Thursday, July 26, 2012

HP Virtual Room

Tested versions:

  • HP Virtual Room: 8.0 Update 77 Build 4300
  • Fedora: 17 x86_64


1. Get the software from 

Tested file: hpvirtualrooms-install64-F4-

2. Install necessary packages:

yum -y install \
glibc.i686 \
libpng-compat.i686 \
libxml2.i686 \
libSM.i686 \
gtk2.i686 \
alsa-lib.i686 \


3. Unzip the package and run the install script:

tar -vxzf hpvirtualrooms-install64-<version>.tar.gz

cd hpvirtualrooms-install

Note: It will remove the [hpvirtualrooms-install] directory, so do expect it.

4. You should now have a new menu entry at [Internet] for the [HP Virutal Rooms]
