To install JBossAS 4.2.3 is pretty straight forward with one little trick. Visit my fedora road map and add the JPackage repository for version 5.0. After that just execute the following:
yum -y install \
sun-jaxb-1.0-api \
sun-jaxb-1.0-impl \
sun-jaxb-2.1-api \
sun-jaxb-2.1-impl \
The trick is not to install but to run it. For development you usually are on a desktop and you probably specified an invalid DNS computer name, I do. To find out which are yours:
To check if your name is right:
ping `hostname`
My returns: ping: unknown host note.tarja
So why am I telling you this. Because when running JBoss locally it will ignore your IP configurations and use the "name" returned by hostname. To avoid getting too much of a headache fix it right now with:
echo " `hostname`" >> /etc/hosts
And check it once again:
ping `hostname`
Now you can run your JBoss with this little bastard out of your way.