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Showing posts with label maven. Show all posts

Saturday, February 25, 2012

[UPDATE] Sonar with PostgreSQL

This documentation is based on:

It was tested with Sonar 2.13.1

A. Getting Sonar and testing it

1. Get Sonar from:

2. Unzip it to the
unzip -x <sonar zip file> -d /opt/

2.1. Example:
unzip -x -d /opt/

3. Start Sonar as standalone
/opt/sonar-<version>/bin/linux-<arch>/ start

3.1. Example:
/opt/sonar-2.13.1/bin/linux-x86-64/ start

4. Follow the logs to check that everything is ok:
tail -f /opt/sonar-<version>/logs/sonar.log

4.1. Example:
tail -f /opt/sonar-2.13.1/logs/sonar.log

NOTE: You are waiting for a line similar to:
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2012/02/25 17:16:31 | 2012-02-25 17:16:31.818:INFO::Started SelectChannelConnector@

5. Check that Sonar is actually accepting connections:
netstat -nl --inet --inet6 | grep 9000

NOTE: It should return something like:
tcp        0      0 :::9000                     :::*                        LISTEN

5.1. Open your browser to double check:

Login credentials:
username: admin
password: admin

B. Configuring Sonar to work with PostgreSQL

1. Check if PostgreSQL is running:
systemctl status postgresql.service

1.1. If not, just enable it and start it:
systemctl enable postgresql.service
systemctl start postgresql.service

1.2. Check if it has listeners running:
netstat -nl --inet --inet6 | grep 5432

NOTE: You are expecting something like this:
tcp        0      0    *                   LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 ::1:5432                    :::*                        LISTEN   

2. Setup PostgreSQL
createuser -U postgres -W -D -R -S sonar
psql -U postgres -W -c "ALTER USER sonar WITH PASSWORD 'sonar';"
createdb -U postgres -W -E UTF8 -O sonar sonar
psql -U postgres -W -c "GRANT ALL ON DATABASE sonar TO sonar;"


2.1. Check connection:
psql -U sonar -d sonar -W -c "SELECT 1;"

3. Configure Sonar:

3.1. Edit the file /opt/sonar-<version>/conf/

After editing it must looks like the following (after issuing the below command):
cat conf/ | grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^[[:space:]]*$"

sonar.jdbc.username:                       sonar
sonar.jdbc.password:                       sonar # if you gave another password this property must reflect it
sonar.jdbc.url:                            jdbc:postgresql://localhost/sonar
sonar.jdbc.driverClassName:                org.postgresql.Driver
sonar.jdbc.validationQuery:                select 1
sonar.jdbc.schema:                         public
sonar.jdbc.maxActive:                      20
sonar.jdbc.maxIdle:                        5
sonar.jdbc.minIdle:                        2
sonar.jdbc.maxWait:                        5000
sonar.jdbc.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis:     600000
sonar.jdbc.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis:  30000

4. Check if Sonar is ok by restarting it:
/opt/sonar-<version>/bin/linux-<arch>/ restart

4.1. Example:
/opt/sonar-2.13.1/bin/linux-x86-64/ restart

4.2. Keep track of the log (see step 4 of section A)

5. Check if Sonar correctly accessed the database in PostgreSQL:
psql -U sonar -d sonar -W -c "\\dt"

NOTE: It currently has 47 tables and it yields it on the above command with the following line:
(47 rows)

C. Test your Sonar with any project you want (below what you need for Maven projects).

1. With Maven projects you will need the following pom.xml section:
 <!-- your pom initial setup -->
  <!-- your other properties -->
 <!-- your pom remaining setup -->

2. Execute the Sonar target on your project:
cd <maven project>
mvn clean sonar:sonar